Museu do Futebol

From Tuesday to Friday, 9am-5pm; on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 10am-6pm.

Museu do Futebol (Soccer Museum)

The Museu do Futebol (Soccer Museum), located at Estádio do Pacaembu (Pacaembu Stadium), while preserving and disseminating soccer’s memory, seeks to understand how habits and customs are inseparable in the history of the most popular sport in the country. The main museum characteristic is immateriality. Its exhibitions are based on interviews, events and football representations that intertwine emotion, history and fun along exhibits geared for entertainment. In the Copas do Mundo (World Cup) exhibition, visitors come across totems, videos and photos of details of victories and defeats as well as information of the cultural moment at the time of each championship. 

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