Museu de Microbiologia (Instituto Butantan)

from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 am to 4:45 p.m.

Museu de Microbiologia (Museum of Microbiology)

Inaugurated in 2002, the Museum of Microbiology aims to bring visitors closer to the universe of scientific research and the general bases that support the knowledge of Microbiology. Through microscopes, interactive activities, panels, and three-dimensional models of viruses, protozoa and bacteria, the long-term exposure leads the public through a fun excursion into the world of microorganisms. The children also participate in the discoveries: a playful and interactive exhibition was specially designed to present this world of invisible beings to children from 4 to 6 years. The Museum of Microbiology is part of the scientific and cultural complex of the Butantan Institute, next to the Historical Museum, the Emílio Ribas Museum and the Biological Museum.

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