Museu Casa da Hera

From Tuesday to Friday, 10am-5pm; on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, 1pm-5pm.

Museu Casa da Hera (Casa da Hera Museum)

The Casa da Hera was the family residence of Joaquim José Teixeira Leite (1812-1872), a major coffee grower from the Paraíba Valley. Donated by his daughter Eufrásia Teixeira Leite (1850-1930) to the Irmãs do Sagrado Coração de Jesus (Sacred Heart of Jesus Sisters) with the condition that the integrity of the building and its objects were kept, the house was listed in the 1950’s. It is the only residence in the region to keep the same furnishings and original treatment of its interior and therefore witness to the wealth and the typical socio-cultural features of the economy and society from the coffee era. Highlights include the library, with books of their former owners, and garments of that era.

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